About NumberNagar®
NumberNagar® Summary.
NumberNagar® is an Innovation in Experiential learning (Maths, Phonics), for students of grades KG to 5, with the objective of making learning contextual, engaging and enjoyable.
NumberNagar® offers the following, based on proprietary 5C™ methodology, across curricula:
- Concept learning kits – Phonics Kit and Maths Kit – for schools, organisations, and individuals
- Maths Lab for Schools
- Franchise Learning Centres – Enrol your child to gain a transformative learning experience in Maths and Phonics
NumberNagar® Awards.
“Commonwealth First Export Champion” at UK
Top 25 start-up finalist at World Start-up Expo, Bengaluru
IDA (India Didactics Association) award winner for Innovation in Learning Spaces
SME Excellence Award by KSMBOA
Best Education Concept Business Idea of the year by Franchise India.
NumberNagar® Core
To create meaningful learning experiences for children.
NumberNagar® Goal Statement.
To be the most preferred brand for blended learning, across the globe.
NumberNagar® Core Values.
- Innovation
- Well-being
- Commitment
- Entrepreneurship
- Sustainable Growth
Goal of NumberNagar®: Creating Meaningful Learning Experiences.
Learning is not only an activity; it is an experience. It gains meaning when the learner is at the centre of the experience and is actively involved. For most children, this is not true. During most of their years in formal education, they are passive learners – on the receiving end of information. They are also expected to follow a set process of exam-oriented preparation. This makes the learning experience monotonous, dis-engaged and burdensome.
At NumberNagar®, the child is at the centre of the learning experience. They drive the content, the speed and the methodology of their learning experience. They are engaged, they are free to explore and express. This makes the learning experience uniquely meaningful for each child.
The 5C™ methodology is based on the belief that a learning cycle is complete when a learner is immersed in the 5Cs of learning – Curiosity, Clarity, Connectivity, Communication and Competence. The learning cycle begins with Curiosity – where the urge to learn is kindled. NumberNagar® space provides ample triggers for curiosity. This curiosity when followed by appropriate guidance through instruction, activities, understanding and application provides Clarity. Activities at NumberNagar® are focussed on providing this clarity. Clarity across multiple concepts leads to Connectivity amongst concepts, topics and subjects. NumberNagar® achieves connectivity by using an interdisciplinary approach and connecting the child’s learning to applications in real life. When these are successfully accomplished, Communication of one’s understanding effectively forms an essential part of the learning cycle. At NumberNagar®, focus is on developing listening, speaking, reading and writing skills leading to overall development in communication. When these 4 Cs are achieved continuously and consistently over a period of time, it leads to Competence. NumberNagar® assesses competence by developing metrics and assessing students’ progress periodically (monthly/quarterly/annually). Although not necessarily sequential, these 5Cs lay the foundation for learning.

NumberNagar® Story.
The story begins with a team of motivated scientists set about to make a difference in children’s learning experiences. On interaction with graduate students, they found that the students lacked in-depth conceptual clarity in their chosen subjects even though they had advanced in their academic degrees. On probing the source of this lacuna, the team realised that the problem lies in the formative years of primary and lower secondary school education where all fundamental concepts are introduced for the first time.
To address this problem, the team spent time interacting with teachers and students at the ground level in their school environment. This included diverse combinations of classroom teaching, activity sessions, hands-on workshops, skill training for students and intense training sessions for teachers on subject competence, student psychology and necessary skills.
Armed with the findings and learnings of this extensive ground research, the team developed the 5C™ methodology. Following this development, the research, design, and development team of NumberNagar® set about the task of creating experiences centered around conceptual learning of core subjects, which would connect their learning to their everyday experiences. The team also focused on including various perspectives to conceptual learning by triggering interest in one subject through another and looking at a single concept through various lenses.
In this quest of creative and student-centric learning methods, the team conceived and created various experiences. These experiences have taken the forms of NumberNagar® learning centres, concept learning kits, assessments, and training programmes. At the core of all solutions is the belief that the learner is at the centre of their learning experiences.
NumberNagar® Name.
Every child lives in a community (village or town or city). In India, one of the generic words used to represent a community is ‘Nagar’.
Number plays a very important role in every child’s learning cycle and life. Eg: Mobile numbers, birthdays, number of shapes in their surroundings, age of people around them, speed of moving objects (Physics), concept of money (Mathematics), dates of important events (History), volume of water they drink (Chemistry), age of plants and trees (Biology), distance and direction from their home to school (Geography) and so on. These numbers form a part of their overall experience and are not isolated as Maths or English.
As the uniqueness of our approach is in interconnecting conceptual learning to a child’s daily life relating to the city/town/village the child lives in, the name is NumberNagar®.
NumberNagar® Logo.
The logo of NumberNagar® sports the shape of a sign board in bright yellow and black lettering on it. The name has two words starting with ‘N’ that is indicated by the Kannada letter ‘ನ’ and the rest of the letters are spelled in English. The significance of the Kannada character is to emphasise the place of origin Bengaluru and its native language.
The black square that holds the first letter is also viewed as a kite, as indicated by the dotted curve that extends below to its left. The kite signifies the freedom of a child, the freedom to be at the centre of his learning experience and be actively involved in it.
The sign board shape of the entire logo has a dual significance of indicating direction as well as arriving at a destination. Children arrive at NumberNagar® to gain a meaningful learning experience and their experience directs them towards a path of learning itself, that they can benefit from for the rest of their lives. .